EHGS Posters '22

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Eradicate Hate Global Summit 2022 - Call for Posters

You are invited to submit a poster about your current research to present at the Eradicate Hate Global Summit in September at the David Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. Accepted posters will be on display throughout the conference but we expect to invite presenters to stand near their posters at the receptions on September 19 and 20. We’re looking for posters that explain anti-hate related research in a way that will be accessible to a broad audience.

All posters will be 40 inches wide by 32 inches high and will be formatted using the CAH poster template. We are asking researchers to submit a draft poster using our powerpoint template (see also posters from last year’s Summit) by the submission deadline (July 14, 2022 July 21, 2022). These drafts will be reviewed by our poster committee for relevance to the conference and overall quality. In the event that we have more submissions than we have room for, the committee will select from among the qualifying posters to showcase a diverse set of research projects. The committee will notify you by August 4 to let you know whether your poster has been selected. Authors of selected posters may be asked to make some revisions. Revised drafts of selected posters and associated files must be sent to our poster designer by August 25. Our designer will format the final version of the poster based on your draft.

Poster Formatting

When using the powerpoint template, please follow the instructions on the template. Keep your fonts large (text should generally be at least 26 point font) and try to use bulleted text rather than complete sentences and paragraphs.

You are encouraged to include figures and tables that help illustrate your research. You may position them on the left, center, or right side of the template. Please include a bold statement in the middle panel that explains key points from your research.

The bottom of the poster will have the conference and Collaboratory logos. You will see a CMU logo on the bottom right of the template. If you are not from CMU, please replace that logo. You may also add a logo from your lab or your collaborators’ institutions.

If your poster is selected we will ask you to send original files for any logos and images you included. If possible, we would like vector files (for example eps or pdf). If you created a figure in a separate powerpoint file, please send that too. If you need to include bitmap images (jpg, gif, png, etc.) in your poster, please make sure they have the highest resolution possible. Graphs must be eps or pdf. Do not send bitmap graphs, as they do not reproduce well at the large scale of the posters.

Welcome to the Eradicate Hate Global Summit 2022 - Poster Session (EHGS Posters '22) submissions site. For general conference information, see


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.